
Swagger Braggers, off with their heads!

After a long day of shredding, two of my friends and I were driving back home and a Nas song came on.

Every time I hear any Nas song it's like the first time, amazingness. I just sit in awe and listen carefully and think to myself, Nas you are so awesome, can your mind please marry my mind?

Anyways, Nas was telling me one of his usual stories & I started thinking about how people say Nas is just a story teller and not a rapper.


Real rap is story telling.

When did rapping turn into swagger bragging?

Look, it's okay for Jay-Z to brag about himself, he's Jay-Z, he earned it. But there are so many rappers out there swagger bragging who haven't done squiltch.

Look at all the rappers people actually respect and sincerely think are dope, they all tell dope stories.

Down with the swagger braggers.

(They would probably call me a hater right about now and then make a song about how many haters they have and how dope their swag is)...how original. 

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