
Honesty is the best policy...I think

I like to feel like I'm a pretty honest person, but even then, it hasn't gotten me anywhere and I feel like people who lie are going places.

Not fair. But I'll continue to be honest because I can't help myself.



Why is it that skipping and music can make everything feel alright?

Try it, skipping automatically makes you happy.

And when you listen to music life is golden for those three minutes.

It's better than Nyquil, try it.


Facebook addict?

"In August, a burglar in West Virginia broke into a house and stole some diamonds, but before fleeing the scene he decided to check his Facebook page. He forgot to log off. The victim discovered it on her computer when she got home."

Media taking over our lives?

Read the article: Texting while driving and not paying attention: newyorker.com