
I dare you

Crush my dreams, and I'll crush you...by making my dreams come true.

And yes, I will forget all the little people who chugged hateraid and then decided it would make them look cool if they spit it up back at me.



"I don't know why your heart doesn't do what your mind tells it."-Brown Sugar


Live by this

Want what you need. Because when you want what you don't need, you start messing up.


It's cool when...

-You hold the door open for someone.
-You say good-morning to strangers.
-You call your mom just because.
-You treat your friends to dinner.

It's not cool when...
-You lie.
-You step on someone's kicks.
-You mean mug.
-You diss your friends.

We're all guilty. Keep it in perspective.



Live by this...

"Rule with an iron fist, or get penetrated by one."