We all have them. If you don't, consider yourself lucky, or very behind. I would pick lucky if I were you.
Are you over your ex?
1. If you don't check his/her facebook, twitter, or goodness forbid, myspace....Probably.
2. If you don't text them & then pretend you meant to send it to somebody else....Probably.
3. Everyone new in your life knows why you broke-up because you tell them, even though it was a long time ago...probably not.
4. You don't listen to slow jams because it reminds you of him/her....Probably not.
5. You like listening to slow jams because it reminds you of him/her....Maybe.
6. You delete his/her # from your phone and then add it a couple days later....Sure aren't.
7. You hit up his/her friends in hopes that he/she will find out....Sure aren't & stop.
8. You still have his/her gift & you wear it often....Maybe.
9. His/her pictures are still saved in your phone....Depends on how hot they are.
10. You still tweet about him/her....Bitter tweets, yeah, you miss that person.
Truth hurts. Sue me. If you don't want it raw, get out of here.